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Privacy Statement

DKG GROUP (DKG CONSULTING LTD, IQ CROPS LTD, TROPOS Co, DRIKA FARM) is committed to safeguarding your privacy on-line.

If you provide DKG Group with personal data via the website (”website”), we will treat it in full compliance with the rules set out in the GDPRs and in the national legislation on processing of personal data as adopted by DKG GROUP in the following Privacy Statement.

1. General principles for processing personal data

The regulation regarding processing of personal data provides a framework to ensure that personal data is handled properly. DKG Group will at all times ensure that personal data is:

Processed fairly, lawfully and transparent
Adequate, relevant and not excessive
Accurate and up to date – inaccurate or incomplete personal data will be rectified or erased or further processing suspended
Not kept for longer than is necessary
Processed only for a specific, explicit and legitimate purpose and only processed in line with the purpose for which it is gathered

2. Types of personal data

We will collect and process your personal data in a number of ways when you engage with us via various channels, including our website.

Some of the personal data is necessary to process in order for us to provide you with the services you have requested and some personal data you can choose to provide voluntarily. We will always let you know which personal data is necessary (e.g. via the use of an asterix (*)) and the consequences of not providing such data to us, for instance that we will not be able to (fully) satisfy your request.

The personal data that we collect and process can generally be divided into the following categories:

Contact information such as name, address, phone number, email address, title, place of work, etc.
Information that you provide when contacting us via online contact forms
Profile information in case you create a profile or account with us, including username and encrypted password

In the initial stages of recruitment, we do not collect and process special categories of data such as race or ethnic origin, political opinion, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic/biometric data, sexual orientation, and/or health. We may, however, need to collect special categories of personal data or criminal records at a later stage in the recruitment process if local employment regulations require.

3. Our purposes for processing your personal data

We only process your personal data to pursue a legitimate purpose and generally we will only process your personal data if:

You have provided your consent to such processing; or
The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract; or
The processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation that we are subject to; or
The processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party and such processing is not considered to be harmful towards you, such as our interests in developing, evaluating, marketing and selling our products and services, pursuing, developing and maintaining business relationships with our customers, suppliers and other business relations e.g. via customer segmentation and analyses and preparing statistics.
We process your personal data for the following purposes:

To facilitate your use of the website, our services and products.
To contact you as part of the ordinary customer relationship.
To send you newsletters or other marketing material, including surveys if you have requested this.
To provide general customer service and support.
To gain customer insights and knowledge of how our various services, including websites and applications are used as well as evaluation and improvement hereof.
To personalized website content and search
To create and pursue business leads.
To recruit for vacant positions.
To store candidates for potential future recruiting.
To store applications for potential future recruiting.
To allow externals to be prospects or in Candidate Pools.
To comply with any applicable law.

4. Opt-in

The website provides users with an opt-in opportunity, which means that you will decide if you wish to receive our newsletters, special offers and other information about new features, events and services. Marketing offers will be described to you prior to the data collection and your consent will be required before any marketing material is being forwarded to you by e-mail. If you wish to be removed from a mailing list and thus not receive future communications on a subject, please click the unsubscribe link in the bottom of the email you wish to unsubscribe from.

5. Cookies

We use cookies on our website. Please read more about the use of cookies in our cookie policy.

6. DKG Group

Personal data collected may be transferred between entities in the DKG Group within the purposes for which they were gathered provided that such transfer of your personal data is not restricted by law.

7. Disclosure, transfer and making available of personal data to third parties

Our disclosure and transfer of your personal data to third parties (entities outside the DKG group) is kept to a minimum and is subject to the existence of an adequate level of data protection. We may disclose or make personal data available to third parties under the following circumstances:

Third parties carrying out services on our behalf, e.g. hosting, IT-support, marketing services, administrative services etc. Such third parties are only allowed to process the personal data in accordance with our instructions and under a written data processor agreement.
To establish, exercise or defend our legal rights.
If you have provided your prior consent to the disclosure of personal data to a third party.
In the event of any merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of DKG’ assets or stock (including without limitation in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings).
As set out in our cookie policy, cf. section 5 above.
If the recipient of the personal data is located in a country outside the EU/EEA not ensuring an adequate level of data protection, we will only transfer your personal data to such recipient following execution of a written transfer agreement based on the EU Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses.

8. Your consent

As stated above some of our processing activities will be based on your consent. In such case, you will have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

If you withdraw your consent, we will cease to process your personal data, unless and to the extent the continued processing or storage is permitted or required according to the applicable personal data legislation or other applicable laws and regulations.

Please note that the withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing conducted prior to the withdrawal. Further, as a consequence of your withdrawal of your consent, we may not be able to satisfy your requests or provide you with our services.

9. Security

DKG GROUP commit to have in place the appropriate security measures to safeguard the security of your personal data and the Website has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the personal data under our control.

10. Your rights

You have the right to access the personal data processed about you, subject to certain statutory exceptions. Furthermore, you can object to the collection and further processing of your personal data and you have the right to correct your personal data, if necessary. You may also request us to restrict the processing.

We will delete or correct any information, which is inaccurate or out of date when requested by the user.

With regard to such requests, kindly provide us with relevant information to take care of your request, including your full name and email address so that we can identify you. We will respond to your request as soon as possible and no later than within one month.

If you disagree with our processing of your personal data, please be informed that you can lodge a complaint with your local data protection agency.

11. Complaints

If you have any complaints about the processing of personal data carried out by DKG GROUP, please feel free to contact us at any time, see section 13.

We will review and assess your complaint and if necessary we may contact you in order to obtain further information. We will always acknowledge receipt of your complaint or objection within 5 business days.

We strive at processing any complaint or objection within one month. If it is not possible to make a decision within one month, we will inform you of the grounds for the delay and of the time at which the decision can be expected to be provided (not exceeding 6 months from receipt).

At any time, before, during or after the complaint process described above, you may also raise a complaint with your local data protection agency, or other relevant court or authority.

12. Links to other websites, etc.

Our website may contain links to other websites or to integrated sites. We are not responsible for the contents of the websites of other companies (third-party websites) or for the practices of such companies regarding the collection of personal data. When you visit third-party websites, you should read the owners’ policies on the protection of personal data and other relevant policies.

13. Contact information

If you have a request or a question regarding our processing of your personal data or this Privacy Statement in general, please contact us:

5b, Ioustinianou Str
55134, Kalamaria
Thessaloniki, Greece

Group Legal Affairs
Email: welcome{at}dkggroup{dot}com


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